In this project I want to make evident that Choreographic event gives an image or sensitive support to ideas or circumstances of reality that did not exist or we had not seen before (it makes them perceptible through their performance); I work in performative conferences where I unite text, objects, video, to leave a trace of the encounters that choreography can structure: assemblies between body-object, objects-text, text-body. With this trace, the meanings that choreography creates become visible: utterances that carry senses that we can interpret.
The goal of this project is to bring to the interior of the choreographic work a specific political-social problem that needs to be discussed urgently, due to the lack of words that the great conflicts leave us with.
2022 - Notes for a Performative Lecture
(35:00 min)
Conference in which I perform a display of choreographic writing through spoken and recorded voice, video projections, and actions.
Artistic research process presented at the INprescindibles # 49
Artistic Residency
La Poderosa, Mayo 2022
Fabroa i Coarts, Barcelona, España
Performer, creation and production: Sara Gómez
The project has been supported by: La Poderosa, Barcelona Dance Creation Center.
Technical requirements
Open room / white background wall or projection screen
Black linoleum
Two projectors
10 meter VGA cable
3 meter HDMI cable
Two white tables, 1x1 meters
8-channel light table on stage
A unidirectional wired microphone
An ambient wired microphone

2022/23 - Notes for a Performative Debate
(60:00 min)
Working on a performative conference in which I propose choreography as an aesthetic apparatus that could give sensitive support to an element of the world and of history that is not talked about today: the displacement of indigenous evangelicals from their homes by the hands of indigenous Catholic people, some members of the EZLN and other organizations, in Chiapas, Mexico.
Artistic research process presented at the Research Academy at
Zurich University of the Arts.
Switzerland, October, 2022
Artist's Atelier- Mexico, 2023